Cinco de Mayo- Senior-itaFeatured

May 1, 2015

I seriously texted Sammi (one of my senior models) ” hey girl can you shoot tomorrow? I have an idea for a cinco de mayo styled shoot” And by chance she was available! Themed shoots always give me a chance to exercise my creative muscle, which as an artist is a MUST to stay inspired and innovative! This is one of my favorite shoots  so far this year! Its simple, flirty-fun and WHAT a great excuse to incorporate lots of COLOR! Plus Sammi is so fluid and natural on camera, I think it is because she is so comfortable in her own skin! Hope you enjoy! and Please have a FABulous Cinco de Mayo! 🙂

a Girls Best Friend: portraits with your PupFeatured

April 23, 2015

I love when my girls include their beloved pup in their portraits! And one thing is for sure; at first you will probably miss your dog more than your parents, so that means its ok to frame one of your senior portraits for your dorm room as long as your fur-baby is in the pic!  Emily, one of my seniors, wanted to include her very well behaved and loveable pup in her shoot and so I was all in! I love the way the images turned out, the tall grass swayed back and fourth and so did Micah’s furry strawberry-blonde coat. This portion of the photo shoot reminded me of childhood and how many times my dog was my partner in crime while exploring my parents farm!

Midway Gal-entines ShootFeatured

February 1, 2015

With Valentines right around the corner, we thought it best to combine the popular midway carnival in our big photoshoot. We should have offered to give autographs because the girls turned heads every step of the way 🙂

Grab Some BubblyFeatured

December 28, 2014

I love looking forward to the new year while reflecting on the prior year’s impact on my life. This year has been so meaningful; I have fallen in love with each sweet girl that I have photographed. You have each made my job more exciting and significant than I ever imagined when I started my photography business. You have all become friends and sisters. So here we are, kissing 2014 goodbye and greeting 2015 with balloons and noise makers, sparklers and confetti! I hope you arrive to your parties feeling glamorous, and when the clock strikes 12 you find yourself with an extra cute boy to kiss or a group of your closest girl friends toasting sweet memories and lasting friendships! XO Carmen Rose

Baby BeckettFeatured

August 30, 2016

I get asked all time, do you photograph babies too? The answer is YES 🙂 This is beby Beckett’s first week at home.